FENICE METAL TECHNOLOGY LIMITED COMPANY was incorporated in 2022 under the laws and regulations of the Republic of Ghana, its factory is located in Bueko, Tsopoli of the Greater Accra Region.
Before coming to Ghana, the company already had a successful business setup in Nigeria since 2017, operating as the sole copper rod supplier for all the cable manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The Nigerian factory produces 1,600 tons of copper rod monthly which helped boost the local cable manufacturing industries and created import substitution for copper wires and cables.
Since its inception, the company has entered the fast track of development. Driven by the concept of "specialization, precision, specialty and innovation", the company will continuously introduce new equipment and new technologies, and continuously improve the product chain structure, developing from single products to diversified products, gradually gaining popularity in the Ghanaian market. At the same time, the company will continue to strengthen internal management, improve product quality, from extensive product development to high-tech industrial chain expansion and keep forging ahead.
At present, the company has a wire pro-function line, copper production line, copper rod production line, and copper wire production line, mainly producing different sizes cable, fire-refined high conductivity copper rod, oxygen free copper rod, copper stranded wire, bare copper wire and other series of products, with a designed capacity of 1,800 tons per month